Sedar tak sedar...da half of ramadan kite da tempuh...well,bnyk mana amalan kite kaut stakat ni?? masih x cukup? xpe...masih ade masa lagi....
Hm...bercerita pasal Aidilfitri tahun ni....mmg agak lega sebab everything is SDN BHD...alhmdulillah....by right, im not longer depend on my parents...thats made me satisfied with myself..even cmne pun amy x nah lupe untuk parents...mama n ayah..bhgn mereka tetap amy lunaskan...:) so far, this Raya gives me meaning of VALUE of my own MONEY...sikit2 amy akan trus belajar untuk jd INSAN yang lebih baik dr hari ke hari...
Raya thn ni yg beza nye...Nenek Johor xde...itu yg wat rase xde seri nak balik Johor lagi...tp tok sedapkan hati, amy pikir...mak cik n pakcik2 yang de kat sana..yg selalu support amy dr belakang...:) that what we called family...Kenangan beraya ngan ARWAH nenek...ade satu tyme ni,tyme amy umur 8 thn kot...hari terakhir nk raya..amy nak teringin nk minum air kotak mangga..nangis2 nak buke..ayah n mama of course x kasi...last2 nenek bangun and trus bagi buke...ishhh tu la yg masih melekat kt otak ni...Ape2pun...thn ni raya mmg nk g ziarah kubur nenek...syes,walaupun amy x rapat ngn dia cmne amy rapat ngn nenek belah ayah...tapi pieces of her LOVE will remains in my heart...
Alfathihah......Hajah Kamsiah Abdullahh......
This raya then, we will gather in PULAU INDAH...this is request from our grandma...surprisingly but yet we r happy to gather this tyme around...to my lOVELY kazens...wait ha...mlm raya kite gosssssippp smpi ke pagi...hahaha x sabar rasanye...
To all my family n friends...slamat wat preparations for this raya..asgnment n test jgn lupe lak...( remind myself though)...hehehe..