
Friday, May 14, 2010

Risk Based Rating System..for Better or Worse??

Disebabkan amy mmg passion on Risk & Insurance..amy terpanggil tok comment on this new issue pertaining to adoption on Risk Based Rating System for Motor Insurance...

Its sounds more on profitable for Insurer right?? Tapi,pe rasional nye system ni??
Bagi amy premium based on the risk characteristics like age,gender, driving record,vehicle make and model as well as location to determined the cot of insurance ni mmg bagus coz tengok la attitude rakyat MALAYSIA tentang kesedaran jalan raya...

Baik yg naik kete,bas,lori atau pun trailer...
Dah tak pikir ape da kalo nak pecut...

Amy terpukau dengan artikel dr ISM ni, yang kate kalau risk based system ni dilaksanakan, syarikat bus express akan lebih berhati-hati dan take precaution actions on holistic risk management as they will incurred higher cost of premium due to its claim history...For instance, In US and UK those bus company that inactively practiced on their safety will then have to CLOSE down in lieu of the higher cost that they have to incurred. Then, when this system implemented I do believe that the bus companies will more aware on their safety measurement especially during festive season as they started to outweigh cost and benefit pertaining to that.

Then again,amy nak comment sket yang ISM should play more active roles in modernize the motor insurance system since that it has actually obsoleted. These body together with Insurance companies,practitioners and also academician( like ME,Sooonnnn) should collaborate in making motor insurance as part of key supporting role in achieving nations objectives in the area of road safety and as well as automobile sector development


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