
Friday, December 31, 2010

Remaining 6 Months of 2010--Joy n Tears

Certainly,Second half of 2010 lagi bnyk citer2 menarik dalam hidup amy...nak tau?? meh la just sekadar share2 untuk blogers2 sekalian.............

July 2010
New semester starts- Yeay...with an average pointer, I really bersemangat bile semester baru menjelma. Alhamdullilah, GBS bukak gak Risk elective classes for us, I give this credit to Hafiz n Sharel kalo mereka ni x tepun aku n btau de risk bukak 4 sure skang ni kene mengadap Islamic Finance as an option. Dis sem, amy bnyk sgt main n gossip dlm kelas,kertas jadi medium perantara kami hahahhahaa.

August 2010
Spa wite Dottie - Ya ALLAH, mmg teruja bile pihak Astro called kate Amy,UR the winner...inilah pengalaman yg amy xkan lupekan...Jentayu Spa really amazing and very peaceful...

Holy RAMADAN- Alhmdulliah dis year again ramadan tibe...walaupun busy di still ade mase nk buke ngan family , Erul n Solat Trawih. Bile ri Rabu- Crisis Kelas kene buke di GBS..mmg best makan ramai2. Mmg indah this Ramadan especially Erul birthday falls on 18.08.2010. Amy wat mcm2 preparations untuk dia...( ne leh tulis dlm blog; P N C for us);dpt celebrate ngan family dia kt umah dia...:)

September 2010
Raya??! Hip Hip Horray-Amy busy tatkala ni ngan mid sem lagi...nk raya,of coz nk shopping...kemas umah...macam2 raya thn ni mmg bermakna..coz 100% raya financed by myself..Syukur...akhirnye dengan elaun yg x seberapa ni dapat beli baju sendiri, and siap untuk mama ngan nenek pulau lagi...duit raya?? of coz ade tok smua family yg bnyk menjadi tulang belakang Amy selama ni...

October 2010
Month of Asgnments- Pas cuti raya ni mmg masuk air kalo bab2 assignments ni..hhahaha tp sempat gak berjalan g ipen hoouses...hehehehe hurm pejam celik pejam celik da nak xam ek...hehehehe nasib la Dr Z n Dr Yati g haji...kalo x 4sure melambak keje..hahahahah

November 2010
Away from Eye,Not from Heart- Early this month AMy dikejutkan dengan khabar agak mendukacitakan...Erul nye family terpaksa pindah atas masalah yg mereka hadapi. Tapi a day b4 deepavali sempat turun rumah dia n bantu pe yg patut. Walau hati berat,tapi amy kuatkan n percaya satu hari nanti pasti akan nampak hikmah disebaliknye...

Triple Joy- Why triple? Hahahah coz Dis month is my Bday,Hari raya Haji n Anniversary....on the same day u know?? mmg xleh lupe la...ktorg g kuantan on that day untuk clb8 n tgk aidid...hehehehe yg plg best thn ni dpt buku resipi dr si Dia...heheehe but b4 that, ayah belikan 3 arnab untuk kami..comel2 belaka hehehehee

Pali in Memory- Dalam keasyikan berseronok,amy digemparkan ngan berita pemergian Fadzli kwn baik Erul seminggu before Soyan menikah... Months before that,sempat g umah arwah,ade hal...wajah kesunguhan bile kami di dealer shop dia bulan lepas masih terbayang2...Erul da anggap dia macam abang dia sendiri...Al fatihah...

December 2010
wEDDINg Blast- oooo december ni mmg full of wedding; Firstly Kenot tunang then Soyan n Iwa nikah...then followed by abg Ijep tunang n lastly Apek,Erul Friend Wedding Dinner...heehhee Hope Mereka Berbahagia Hendaknye...Amiiiiiin

JB-Singapore-Karimun-17.12.2010 until 22.12.2010..hari yg dinanti telah tiba. Actually family Amy da lame x bercuti bersame2 ngan Mak this is the time..surpisingly after a day kat Universal studio,ayah ajak g Tanjung balai,Karimun.... je memori manis yg amy sempat untuk kongsi bersame...2011 da nk dekat ni??
Pe resolution anda?? dan pastinye 2011 menjanjikan pengalaman yg lebih indah untuk semua

Selamat 2011,guys...

Warna Warni 2010-First 6 months..........

31.12.2010...13.34 PM....

hURM da lame da x tulis blog ni...lagi beberapa jam dr skang kite akan menyambut amy just nk share pe yg berlaku sepanjang 2010 dlm idup amy...

Januari 2010

MBA experience- last amy masuk gak MBA. Seronok,coz satu kelas ngn my x-DBS classmate Mira. She introduced me to her friend tyme interview; Melanie. Amy lak kenalkan Nisah kepada mereka.Bermulalah pengembaraan saya bersame budak2 lain dalam Group A.

Hajah Kamsiah Passed Away- 3rd week after mama bwk balik nenek kt umah, Nenek menghembuskan nafas. My instinct is very gud which i mentioned to Mira n Mel Selasa pagi;26.01.2010 will b her last day. Nasib sempat pulun untuk presentation marketing a day before that. First time in my life I didnt attend presentation due to this reason but I relieved that smua berjalan lancar...

Februari 2010

Atuk di rumah- After nenek meninggal, atuk nekad untuk tinggal ngan kami smua. Amy cm biase bnyk asgnmnt to complete. MBA is not easy,babe...

March 2010

Assignments!- Setelah lebih 3 bulan kami menjage atuk, akhirnye dia menyatakan impian sebenarnye; Tinggal bersama mak,atuk balik semula ke Johor. Then,de konflik berlaku antara family sebelah Johor. I really wish that they understand that my family isnt that cruel of digging my rich grandpa's wealth..( sorri kt sanak saudara Johor yg terase)

April 2010

Xam Maniax-Final Exam is nearby. Seriously im stressed out n i dun noe everything that i learnt. Thank Allah coz giving me such great buddies; Aqila, Fazilah,Umi,Kelly,Mira,Mel,Nisah,Syara,Intan and others. They helped me a lot. After final, Wak balik ke Indon buat selama2nye. Walaupun sedih, Wak tetap di hati kami....

Mei 2010

Month of parties-At last, my dream came true...impian untuk wat bbq gathering for Pulau's family sempena Hari Jadi ayah ke 49 terlaksana. Guess what,ayah mmg propa..he invited Erul Erul la pendukung kuat malam tu dia la yg tukang masAK...Dear..thats why I love you More n berjalan lancar n really satisfied..then followed by Class party; @ Ajib place.Best2 Theme dia Hawaiian night i Guess...mmg best mak ajib pndi gle masak n the most im portant is; Quality time together. Thanxx to all MBA friends

June 2010

First Slengz Wedding- Pekjah our Adek married in June. Mmg teruja betul kami yang lain. Hahahah Jah,ur the best...dr akad smpi sanding amy g sana...yeay.. Dis month amy lebih bnyk kt umah coz memandangkan Wak yg da balik. Weekend; G kenduri both Family ke,Kwn2 ke..mmg pack de satu ari smpi 5 umah g...hehehehe

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cuti2 diari part 1..........

Pejam celik pejam celik...da sebulan da cuti sekolah. Memang cuti kali ni agak memenatkan dengan ketiadaan maid disisi akibat penipuan agensi ( kejam gle).

First pagi; cuci arnab nye cages...sapu sampah...n masak...skang dengan bantuan buku resipi,maka saya sudah menjadi semakin creative dan semangat sket tok memasak. At least xde la benda same je aku duk ulang2. This routine even tiring but ok la dr melangut je. One more thing...i have new handbag to carry on; my lil sister baby. Kene bwk si Baby( 11 years old girl with a big teeth) kemane2 since kawasan perumahanku skang tidak selamat lagi...arghhhhhhhhhhh......

Thank Allah,coz i have a understandable teammate; Diyana n Areel. Nasib diorg xkesah if aku bwk baby. Kekadang tensen gak bawak dia ni...demand...dia xleh if aku lame2 sure dia tarik muka, tapi ape aku kesah?? Janji keselamatan dia terjamin,,banyak bunyi?? Siap la dia nnti kene buli kt umah hahahaha

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My rabbits----my new gems of life

Tanggal 5 nov yang lepAS ayah belikan 3 arnab yg cute...pas g menara taming sari dat nite we went to the nearby uptown....heeehee aku suke one arnab ni tp da besar ,sgt mahal...then ayah decide beli 3 arnab putih...
This is Bunny---my pet----

Bunny ni je betina...long-haired RAbbit. Bulu dia kene slalu trim n cantik...:) dia ade 2 lagi siblings;

Bunny-Baby punye ( Atas)
Jimmy-Angah Punye( Bawah)

Ayah mmg best..dia belikan kami seekor satu supaya masing2 leh jage...kitorg letak dalam cage kt dry kitchen..malam2 bagi keluar tok main2...heheehehe. Diorg ni ade 3 kazen kt melaka: Baby,Qiqi n Melo pAK UDA PUNYE...seronok kalo Mereka berjumpa bagaikan satu family yang bahagia...heheheehe cm gak aku n Eqal n Khir...:)

Skang ni kalo g dating or keluar sure nak g pet shop...hmmm skang ni ngah pk nk belikan travellers cage...senang kalo nk g jalan2...bwk pinky jumpa kwn2 MBA kt shah Alam...or even singgah umah erul kt setia alam...:)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

AidILfITrI 2010....

Salam Followers sekalian.....

Sedar tak sedar...da half of ramadan kite da tempuh...well,bnyk mana amalan kite kaut stakat ni?? masih x cukup? xpe...masih ade masa lagi....

Hm...bercerita pasal Aidilfitri tahun ni....mmg agak lega sebab everything is SDN right, im not longer depend on my parents...thats made me satisfied with myself..even cmne pun amy x nah lupe untuk parents...mama n ayah..bhgn mereka tetap amy lunaskan...:) so far, this Raya gives me meaning of VALUE of my own MONEY...sikit2 amy akan trus belajar untuk jd INSAN yang lebih baik dr hari ke hari...

Raya thn ni yg beza nye...Nenek Johor xde...itu yg wat rase xde seri nak balik Johor tok sedapkan hati, amy pikir...mak cik n pakcik2 yang de kat sana..yg selalu support amy dr belakang...:) that what we called family...Kenangan beraya ngan ARWAH nenek...ade satu tyme ni,tyme amy umur 8 thn kot...hari terakhir nk raya..amy nak teringin nk minum air kotak mangga..nangis2 nak buke..ayah n mama of course x kasi...last2 nenek bangun and trus bagi buke...ishhh tu la yg masih melekat kt otak ni...Ape2pun...thn ni raya mmg nk g ziarah kubur nenek...syes,walaupun amy x rapat ngn dia cmne amy rapat ngn nenek belah ayah...tapi pieces of her LOVE will remains in my heart...

Alfathihah......Hajah Kamsiah Abdullahh......

This raya then, we will gather in PULAU INDAH...this is request from our grandma...surprisingly but yet we r happy to gather this tyme my lOVELY kazens...wait ha...mlm raya kite gosssssippp smpi ke pagi...hahaha x sabar rasanye...

To all my family n friends...slamat wat preparations for this raya..asgnment n test jgn lupe lak...( remind myself though)...hehehe..

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


This article i cited in my blog just to give info on how to deal with backstabber......

First of all ENJOY what you have and treat the backstabber like any other human being: hopefully with friendliness or at least respect. Do not draw attention to yourself. If they start making comments that undermine you IGNORE them. Find out what it is that they want. If you are intending to move on in your job anyway then you can be as benevolent as mentoring your backstabber and delegating some of the additional stress and workload that may have accompanied your success. REMAIN POSITIVE NO MATTER WHAT your aura of cheerfulness will alert your colleagues that you are honest and trustworthy which will make the backstabber look even more guilty and stinking if they have been going behind your back gossiping. DO NOT GET INVOLVED in their smelly and petty little world.

A friendship is based on mutual respect not one persons need to be a control freak. If it is your friend and not just a colleague that has back stabbed it will be more painful. But remember, all the people who do not behave like that and deserve your friendship and time MUCH MORE.

Dalam dunia yg serba canggih ni masih terdapat lagi these,watch happen to anyone...

Source:Friendship drama: How to handle backstabber, hhtp; assesed on 3.08.2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A day of TREATING my BODY N sOUl

Yeayyy..31st July sampai gak...ri ni mmg best coz akhirnya aku dpt gak tuntut hadiah KENALI DOTTIE,Jawap 3 soklan reka slogan dan anda akan dilayan bak tuan puteri....di Jentayu SPA...haaahaaha...

Aku ditemani my soulmate... dgn dia im very confident sebab mmg kalo la aku yg g sorg2 definitely nangis2 call orang mntk direction..cici tepun dia ingt aku x dtg...eyyyy ne leh bersusah payah tau reka slogan plg kreatif huhuhuhuh...kelakar...yg xleh blah rupanye Chef n Brew restoran ni...kt tmpt yg kitorg duk berlegar2 dr tadi... berdebar2 la plak saat da park kete tu...cmne la agaknye si Dottie tu...sombong ke..pemalu baik..hehehe

Then aku pon sape la dottie....hehehehehe best2 dia peramah sgt...aku xleh blah aku leh tnya ni rmbt tol ke?? n siap request sentuh lak tu...hahahaha perangai cm budak2 hahahahah erul diamm ble cici bukak cite pasal bmw br la berbunyi...kalo x tu...diam je hahahaha mmg best..kitorg makan chicken chop je...walau average...i would give credit to Astro for appreciate me in this high class restaurant...hehehee

3 pm..time to go to spa...mmg interior Jentayu ni calm je..mmg first classs...aku n dottie tu len bilik..ala da xleh bergosssip..kelakar...tyme diorg basuh dottie ni ketawa..rupanye dia ni penggeli n alergik ngn kaki...hahahhahahaha Treatment starts ngan whole body takes 2 hour then...mmg sedapppp

Dottie aku xleh la plak...huhuhuhu best sgt2...then kitorg wat cream bath...urutan rmbt tyme tu da kol 6.30....sian kt erul dia tido kt masjid...snggp dia tu...huhuhuhuuh At 7 pm..our spa experience ended...huuuhuhuhuu sdey lak nk tngllkan itu laaaa....setiap yg mula pasti akan berakhir...n yg pasti aku xkan lupa pengalaman ni smpi keanak cucu...leh x??? hahahahaha

After Spa: Pikiran tenang.....Badan Ringan..Rambut Lembut...n Rasa Sayang kt Erul makin bertambah....hahahahahaha....